Epic dreams (also referred to as Great Dreams, Cosmic Dreams or Numinous Dreams) are so huge, so compelling, and so vivid that you cannot ignore them. The details of such dreams remain with you for years, as if you just dreamt it last night. These dreams possess much beauty and contain many archetypal symbology. When you wake up from such a dream, you feel that you have discovered something profound or amazing about yourself or about the world. [www.dreammoods.com]
Three weeks ago I had an Epic Dream. It was very short, but it impacted me in a way I will never forget. I remember being in a Baseball Stadium with no one that I knew. Suddenly, I look up at the sky and a ball of fire [METEOR] is coming down at a slow rate. I didn't panic, I did not get scared. Instead, I grabbed the hands of the people next to me and encourage them to start praying. Once the ball of fire [METEOR] arrived at earth and the explosion of fire was taking everything in its path and coming our way, I knew I was gonna die. It was quick and not painful. The warmth that overcame my body was replaced by the light feeling of my soul/body ascending somewhere [heaven?].
I woke up.
Side Notes: Not so long ago I read an article on regressions [Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what most practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation,[1] though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.[2]] and the possibility that this could be product of our unconsciousness replaying a MOVIE or BOOK that had impacted our life. Was this Epic Dream just a re-play of the thousands of mini movies in YouTube I've seen about the end of the world? Regardless of the possibilities, I felt that after this dream, I am not scared of death anymore... Even if there is nothing after it.
Three weeks ago I had an Epic Dream. It was very short, but it impacted me in a way I will never forget. I remember being in a Baseball Stadium with no one that I knew. Suddenly, I look up at the sky and a ball of fire [METEOR] is coming down at a slow rate. I didn't panic, I did not get scared. Instead, I grabbed the hands of the people next to me and encourage them to start praying. Once the ball of fire [METEOR] arrived at earth and the explosion of fire was taking everything in its path and coming our way, I knew I was gonna die. It was quick and not painful. The warmth that overcame my body was replaced by the light feeling of my soul/body ascending somewhere [heaven?].
I woke up.
Side Notes: Not so long ago I read an article on regressions [Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what most practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation,[1] though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.[2]] and the possibility that this could be product of our unconsciousness replaying a MOVIE or BOOK that had impacted our life. Was this Epic Dream just a re-play of the thousands of mini movies in YouTube I've seen about the end of the world? Regardless of the possibilities, I felt that after this dream, I am not scared of death anymore... Even if there is nothing after it.
First of all, el fin del mundo siempre ha sido un tema recurrente para el ser humano. Pareciera que le impacienta, le teme al futuro, es decir a su destino. El hombre a través de los años ha buscado interpretar sus sueños, buscando respuestas a qué? al porvenir.
I'm pretty sure this is going to be a beautiful experience. Keep up the good work ;)
Life, Death, and Love.. :)
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